How to get from Cusco to Puno
cusco to puno

How to get from Cusco to Puno: To get from Cusco to Puno, you have several transportation options available. The most common way is to take a bus, private car or shared car, as the road trip is quite scenic and usually lasts around 6 to 7 hours. You can also choose to take a train, which offers a more comfortable trip but can be more expensive. And the company that offers the train service from Cusco to Puno or Viceversa is and the price is quite high since its service is Premium.

Mobility Cusco to Puno

• Private transportation: One of the best options is undoubtedly this service, since you can choose to make stops along the way and take photos. But you must always indicate when making your reservation. And here we leave you some companies that offer this transfer from Cusco to Puno or Puno to Cusco.

Transfer Cusco to Puno
Transportation Cusco to Puno

If you want to request the transfer with us, just send us a WhatsApp to help you quickly.
• Shared transportation: Generally you can take the bus at the Cusco land terminal and the interprovincial buses leave between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM.

Distance from Cusco to Puno

The approximate distance between Cusco and Puno is around 389 kilometers if you travel by road. As I mentioned above, the road trip usually takes between 6 and 7 hours, depending on traffic and weather conditions.

Routes from Cusco to Puno

There are different routes to travel from Cusco to Puno, each with its own characteristics and landscapes. One of the most common routes is the highway that directly connects both cities, passing through towns such as Sicuani and Juliaca. Another option is to take the road that passes through Raqchi and Ayaviri.

There is also the possibility of stopping at tourist attractions along the way, such as the archaeological complex of Raqchi or the beautiful Lake Titicaca.

puno transfer cusco puno transfer