How to travel to Machupicchu from Cusco economically or cheaply is one of the most frequently asked questions by various travelers and / or tourists. The cheapest way to visit Machupicchu is by the hydroelectric route. It is also known as Machu Picchu by car or Machupicchu by Vehicle.
Machupicchu hydroelectric route
Cheap Machupicchu: To make this route you must separate 2 days and 1 night, you also have the option of staying in Aguas Calientes for an additional 1 night and thus fully enjoy Machupicchu. This tour can be done through a tour and you can also do it on your own. The option that suits you best you can choose.
• Machupicchu by car tour with travel agency: For this tour the travel agency is in charge of all the organization of the tour: Accommodation, entrance, guide, lunch, snack and transfers. The travel agency a day before will contact you to give you all the necessary information for the next day, pick up time and important information for the tour. You only dedicate yourself to enjoy the tour.
• Machupicchu by car on your own: If you want to do it on your own, here we provide you with important information that you should take into account:
1.- You must hire your mobility for the transfer from Cusco to Hydroelectric, it is preferable to always hire round trip. The transfer service can also be contracted with a travel agency or if you want you can also go to the Quillabamba ground terminal, there are several cars / van / h1 that leave very early.
The most recommended is to hire a travel agency with a travel agency since they will come to you in your Accommodation or Airbnb very early to take you to the hydroelectric .
The trip by car from Cusco to Hidroelectrica is approximately 5 to 6 hours.
2.- Once the Hydroelectric you must walk for 3 hours to reach the town of Aguas Calientes, also known as the town of Machupicchu. The path is fully signposted and you will see a lot of tourists going this route, so you will have no problem. The path is totally beautiful and you will see beautiful landscapes and you will be enchanted by nature. A walk worth doing.
3.- Once in Aguas Calientes (Machupicchu Town) you should look for accommodation, there are all kinds of prices and categories. Find the one that suits you best and that suits your needs.
4.- The entrance to Machu Picchu can be acquired in Cusco and also in Aguas Calientes, choose the best option for you. Now if you want to go up from Aguas Calientes to Machupicchu there are two ways: The first is by walking for approximately 1 hour and a half, and the second is by Bus from Aguas Calientes to Machupicchu which has a cost of 12 dollars per section and lasts approximately 30 minutes, choose the best option that suits you.
5.- Guide in Machu Picchu, if you want you can hire a guide in Machupicchu or you can visit without a guide, choose the option that suits you best.
6.- In Aguas Calientes you will find a large number of restaurants of all prices and categories, you can also visit the Aguas Calientes market, where they offer typical local food.
Disadvantages of the hydroelectric route:
• The trip by car from Cusco to the hydroelectric and vice versa is very tiring.
• It is not recommended to travel in the rainy season.
• This tour cannot be done in 1 day, it always takes 2 Days and 1 Night recommended.
Advantages of the hydroelectric route:
• The price is very comfortable.
• You will see beautiful landscapes along the way.
• You will be able to meet a number of travelers on the way.